Dog Rates
*All prices are estimates, prices will be based on the condition of your pet’s coat, temperament, weight, style (long vs short cuts), and breed. The actual cost of the groom will be determined at the end of your first visit. Any additional cost beyond whats included in our grooming services package will be discussed with the client before proceeding with the groom and is subject to client's approval.
These prices are based on a 6 - 8 week grooming schedule. Pets beyond this schedule will be charged extra if necessary, depending on the condition of the coat.
These prices are only starting prices and are not the final price for your pet's visit. We don't give quotes unless we see your pet in person as there are many different variables to consider when pricing your pet's groom.
Cat Rates
*All cat grooming packages are subject to the cat’s temperament and tolerance to grooming. Not all cats will be a good candidate for lion trims due to it being the most stressful part of the process.
*Prices DO NOT include HST*